Monday, September 11, 2006


Well have been away from my beloved blog for quite sometime now... U know it tends to get a little boring at times...
There have been loads of stuff thats happened since my last post... college has opened and going on in full flow...
Attended my last FRESHERS at college...
Got into a fight at college and nearly got chucked out of the hostel to name a few things... part and parcel of an AILIANs everyday life to name a few...
Watched some forgettable movies (KABHI ALVIDA NA KEHNA!!) besides finishing Road to Wigan Pier (Orwellian Socialism makes one go to sleep!!)
And now I go back to J Sagar Associates for my internship again next week... its like life's come a full circle... Hope I get a chance to work more and in a better manner than last time...


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