Wednesday, September 13, 2006


A incident in my life shattered me badly very recently... the funny part is, the quarters from which I sought solace I only got scorn... at times life tends to take funny turns... people who matter sometimes are just too wrapped up in their petty troubles to see the bigger picture...

Here’s to those who’ve mattered in life and to those I never thought would matter so much...

There comes a time, that happens only sometime,
That you realize the value of the thing that’s life...

What you take for granted may not be the same forever,
What you wish would happen might not happen ever...

What you expect the least may hit you like a bolt,
People you take for granted might one day matter the most...

People who meant a lot may show a new aspect,
Leave you standing, with no other prospect...

Yet life goes on and a prayer comes to the lip,
For those who’ve mattered, and for those you never thought would...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

very well written.

1:56 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who's left you eh??

7:17 pm  

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