Monday, April 25, 2005

Gaming at AIL

One thing that Army Institute of Law can boast of is about its gamers. Gaming is a hardcore tradition at AIL, and one can always see atleast half a dozen comps always occupied by this species. They'll beg, they'll threat they'll use every trick in the book to catch hold of that elusive comp on which the game is loaded.

Here are a few games that AIL is nuts about...

Did you know they tried having a tournament of it with league matches, semi-finals, finals... the works. Although it never finished (damn holidays came in the way) but for some time the guys were just ga-ga over it.

With player names like ASHOKA, TALIHAN, CYCLOPS, ELEMENTS and BHULLAR, this is one game that's here to stay (AOE dosen't have great graphics or anything, the best thing about it is that you and your military strategy can work wonders, especially when you are pitted against another player).


Another game that's hot property in AIL at the moment. Although, we haven't been able to smooth out the chinks in the multiplayer version, but we are getting there.

One of my favourites, is Sri Lanka as a terrorist. MAJOR KILL.


One Beautiful Game, Graphics are good, U really have to rake your brain while working on this one.

Something for the serious gamer, the one who likes to wait and watch, take his time before moving in for the kill. Maybe that is why it didn't catch up with the masses who like the "ALL GUNS BLAZING" concept.


Long time no see... It was good while it lasted. The only reason I think it didn't last was that guys got bored of its shareware version.

Maybe, if we had the full version, it would have carried on.



Well here are a few of our favourite games. And how can one forget the ladies favourite "SOLITAIRE". Nice game to pass time when the net speed is slow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey man, whats up... i didn't know you were into gaming. we have got to meet up sometime and go gaming, it'll be a blast!

12:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

True to AIL. News of this college is incomplete without mention of the AOE Pshycos

3:35 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

True to AIL. News of this college is incomplete without mention of the AOE Pshycos.

3:35 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah,Ashwin U R right ,but i guess Chintu forgot 'bout RED ACE SQN which too was a good Multiplayer game.I guess i should take the credit for bringing IGI n Global Ops ,both of which became hits,with IGI still going strong.

1:15 pm  

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