Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Five Point Someone

Just finished up with this... The story deals with the trials and tribulations of three five pointers (GPA) at IIT. In the big bad world of jobs and competition, they do not stand a chance with such a dismal performance and are labelled "UNDER ACHIEVERS".

There life turns from one tight corner to another. Chetan Bhagat, himself being an IITian relates better to the life of a hard pressed IIT student and has brought it forth beautifully in the book.

Hell, its a good read, and moreover, IITians are not so different from us, they have the same doubts, the same urges, the same insecurities...

Good Read all in all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it sure does seem like a good read. just started with it and can't seem to put it down. i agree with what u have to say about this book so far.
- Priya

12:19 pm  

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